How to Create an Instagram Website Using WordPress

Learn more about how to create an Instagram website with WordPress and how it can improve your online reach. We guide you through the important steps of creating a website and ways to make it a great addition to your Instagram page.
How to Create an Instagram Website Using WordPress

Instagram is a powerful platform to boost your online presence by showcasing your works or products and communicating with your target audience. 

However, to truly maximize your online presence and reach a broader audience, it’s essential to extend the influence of your Instagram account beyond the confines of the app itself.

Daily Puppies Instagram website homepage.

One powerful way to achieve this is by creating a dedicated Instagram website using the versatile capabilities of WordPress. With the help of embedding plugins like Spotlight, it is easier than ever to display your Instagram account on your website.

In this blog post, we will show you the essential steps of creating an Instagram website using WordPress and boosting your online reach. Let’s get started!

Why creating an Instagram website is important

Promoting your Instagram account on your website offers many benefits, combining the strengths of both platforms to boost your online presence and engage a broader audience. Let’s look at the five main advantages.

1. Centralized hub for content

Your website becomes a centralized hub where visitors can explore not only your Instagram feed but also additional content, such as blog posts, product information, and other relevant material.

This provides a comprehensive view of your brand or personal profile.

2. Enhanced discoverability and engagement

Integrating your Instagram feed on your website improves discoverability by making your visual content accessible to users who may not be active on Instagram.

Search engines can index this content, contributing to better search engine optimization (SEO) and better engagement in online searches.

3. Customization and branding

Your website offers complete control over the design and layout, allowing you to align the visual aesthetics with your brand identity.

This customization fosters a cohesive and branded user experience, reinforcing your identity across various online touchpoints.

4. Analytics and insights

Integrating analytics tools on your website enables you to gather valuable data about user behavior, preferences, and engagement.

This data can be used to refine your content strategy, understand your audience better, and make informed decisions to optimize performance.

5. Increased credibility

A professionally designed and maintained website adds a layer of credibility to your brand or personal profile. It signals to visitors that you are serious about your online presence, potentially increasing trust and loyalty among your audience.

Building your Instagram website

Now that you understand the benefits of creating an Instagram website, it is time to start building it. Creating a website using WordPress is relatively easy even for beginners.

Additionally, WordPress also gives you a lot of freedom to customize your website to create a platform that perfectly fits your branding needs. That being said, let’s take a look at the step-by-step process of setting up your WordPress website.

1. Choose a web hosting provider

Web hosting is a service that makes your website accessible to the public, so choosing a good hosting provider is crucial for optimal site performance. 

When picking a provider, ensure it offers the necessary features, especially those related to WordPress, like easy installation and optimization. These features simplify the setup and management of your WordPress site, potentially saving you time. 

Don’t forget to check customer testimonials on their website and other platforms to learn about the provider’s quality based on existing customers’ experiences and how the company responds to feedback.

Compare pricing plans before deciding, as different plans offer varying resources, features, and support. Consider factors such as bandwidth, storage, performance guarantees, and scalability.

Check for potential hidden fees or renewal costs to make an informed decision that meets your current needs and allows for future growth.

If don’t have a domain name for your site, this is also a good time to buy one. Most hosting providers also provide a service where you can purchase a domain name, so you don’t have to look for a separate registrar.

2. Install and set up WordPress

The process of installing and setting up WordPress is straightforward. Follow this step-by-step guide for a seamless experience in establishing and launching your WordPress website.

  • Access your hosting control panel. Log in to your hosting account and access the control panel. Most providers use cPanel, Plesk, or a similar interface.
  • Install WordPress. Look for an icon or section labeled WordPress in your hosting control panel. Click on the WordPress icon or find the Install option.
  • Configure installation settings. In most cases, all you have to do during the installation process is to provide some details about your website. These include the domain where you want to install WordPress and credentials to log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Complete the installation. Click on the Install or Submit button to initiate the installation process. The installer will run, and you will see a progress bar.
  • Review and access your WordPress site. Once the installation is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation. Access your new WordPress site by navigating to your domain in a web browser.
  • Login to the WordPress dashboard. In your browser, add /wp-admin to your URL. For example,
WordPress admin dashboard login page.
  • Explore and customize. You are now in the WordPress dashboard. Explore the various features and settings. Customize your website by selecting a theme, adding plugins, and creating content.

3. Embed your Instagram feed using the Spotlight plugin

Once you have the WordPress website ready, you can start adding your feed to the web page. The easiest way to do this is by using an Instagram plugin for WordPress.

Spotlight is one of the best Instagram plugins for this. It is designed to seamlessly integrate your Instagram account into your website while adding other features for promotion and analytics.

List of reputable businesses that use Spotlight.

Spotlight lets you customize how you display the Instagram feed with different grid styles. Additionally, it offers moderation and filtering features, giving you full control over your displayed content.

Let’s take a look at how to install and set up Spotlight in WordPress:

  • From your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for Spotlight Social Feeds.
  • Click Install, wait until it finishes, then click Activate.
The Spotlight Social Feeds plugin in WordPress.
  • Go to the new Instagram Feeds menu on the side panel and choose Feeds.
  • Here, you can integrate your Instagram account into the plugin.
  • Click + Create a new feed, then choose the type of feed you want to display on your site.
Types of feed in the Spotlight installation page.
  • Pick a display style from the available templates or create your own. After that, click Next step >
Template options for Spotlight.
  • Click Connect & Customize which will open the Spotlight feed editor page. Spotlight gives you the option to connect your personal, business, or your client’s Instagram account.
  • Switch to the Design tab to customize the feed’s appearance. Click on the icons at the top of the page to change how your feed will look on different types of devices. Save your changes once you finish the adjustment.
Design customization page in the Spotlight plugin.
  • Go to the Embed tab and choose Create New Page and Spotlight will automatically create a new page with your Instagram feed already embedded in it. Alternatively, you can edit an existing page in your WordPress site and add an Instagram feed to the block editor manually.

There you have it! You’ve successfully added your Instagram feed to your WordPress website. If you’re unsure about the feed settings, you can always make changes later by accessing the Spotlight plugin.

What makes a good Instagram website

Creating a good Instagram website is an ongoing process that doesn’t stop after you embed the feed on your web page. We’ll look at six important things that help your website attract people and make a good impression online.

A good domain name

Opt for a domain name that is not only easy to remember but also reflects the essence of your Instagram content. A good domain name is concise, avoids unnecessary symbols or hyphens, and aligns with your brand or content theme.

Variety of content

Having an Instagram website gives you the benefit of showcasing other types of content in addition to the Instagram posts.

For example, you can publish regular blog posts on your website to provide more value to visitors and increase the site’s reach using SEO.

Appealing visual design

A good Instagram website should have a visually appealing design that aligns with the aesthetic of the Instagram platform. Consistent color schemes, engaging visuals, and a user-friendly layout enhance the overall experience for visitors.

User-friendly navigation

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are important to every website’s success. Visitors should be able to explore content effortlessly, with intuitive menu structures and clear calls to action (CTA) guiding them through the website’s various sections.

Optimized for performance

Do you know that the average web page load time is 2.5 seconds on desktop and 8.6 seconds on mobile? Longer loading times may result in visitors leaving your site immediately. 

Improve your site’s performance by using a lightweight theme, optimizing images, and installing a caching plugin.

Good security measures

Security is paramount for any website. Your Instagram website should implement security measures to protect user data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure the safe handling of information. 

Regular updates, secure hosting, and the use of SSL certificates contribute to a trustworthy and secure online environment.


Creating an Instagram website using WordPress is a great way to expand your online presence and engage with a broader audience. 

Combining Instagram and WordPress can improve the visual appeal of your online space and offer a centralized hub for audiences to explore and connect with your personal or business account.

You can build a good Instagram website using WordPress by following these three steps:

  • Choose a web hosting provider and buy a domain name.
  • Install and set up your WordPress site.
  • Embed your Instagram feed using the Spotlight plugin.

As you grow your Instagram website, remember to keep updating the content, exploring new features, and adapting to the evolving digital trends. Have fun building your online space!

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Prasasti Agung

Pras is a professional content writer who loves learning new things. With his experience in digital marketing and WordPress, he aims to create more informative articles and share his knowledge with wider audiences.

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Picture of Prasasti Agung

Prasasti Agung

Pras is a professional content writer who loves learning new things. With his experience in digital marketing and WordPress, he aims to create more informative articles and share his knowledge with wider audiences.
Picture of Prasasti Agung

Prasasti Agung

Pras is a professional content writer who loves learning new things. With his experience in digital marketing and WordPress, he aims to create more informative articles and share his knowledge with wider audiences.
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Instagram Feeds Lookbook
Instagram Feeds Lookbook

Get inspired by nine of the best use cases of Instagram feeds from real Spotlight users.