
Instagram tips & WordPress tutorials

How to Add an Instagram Review Feed to Your Website
Prasasti Agung

How to Add an Instagram Review Feed to Your Website

Integrating an Instagram review feed into your website can significantly enhance its appeal and credibility. This guide will show you the simple steps to display customer feedback from Instagram using Spotlight to boost engagement and trust among prospective customers.

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Boost Your Engagement with Spotlight How to Add a Testimonial Slider in Elementor
Gaby Abela

Boost Your Engagement with Spotlight: How to Add a Testimonial Slider in Elementor

Discover how to transform your WordPress site into a hub of engagement with Spotlight. This guide walks you through seamlessly integrating an Instagram testimonial slider in Elementor, leveraging the power of social proof to elevate your brand’s credibility and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Learn expert tips, from installation to customization, and watch your site’s trust and conversion rates soar.

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Spotlight is the fastest-growing
Instagram solution for your website

Simple decision, if you want Instagram content on your WordPress website, then look no further, Spotlight Instagram Feeds is all you need.

5 Stars
Adam Preiser

I love this plugin. It works seamlessly and is very easy to use (and I have used a few!). The support team are amazing & very quick to reply.

5 Stars
Penelope from DesigningLove

Be smart, think social

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Instagram Feeds Lookbook
Instagram Feeds Lookbook

Get inspired by nine of the best use cases of Instagram feeds from real Spotlight users.