How to rate us on

Step 1

Log in to

Option 1: Click on this link to access the log in page.

Option 2: Click on the “Log In” button in the top right-hand corner of the Spotlight page.

Log in to

Don't have an account?

No problem! You can create a account by clicking here.

All you’ll need is a username and email address.

Why create an account? 
By creating an account, you’ll be able to get help in the support forums, or rate and review themes and plugins.

Create a account

Step 2

Log in by entering your username or email address, and password.

Enter your username and password

Step 3

You should be redirected back to the Spotlight review page.

Here, click on the “Add your own review” button or scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Add your own review

Step 4

Leave your review.

Remember to add a title, rating and message before hitting the “Submit” button.

Leave your review on

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Instagram Feeds Lookbook
Instagram Feeds Lookbook

Get inspired by nine of the best use cases of Instagram feeds from real Spotlight users.